No need to starve yourself to death
Released on = January 13, 2006, 4:53 am
Press Release Author = Stroompje
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = This weight loss program claims that you even have to eat MORE then 3 meals a day to lose weight.
Press Release Body = A weight loss program claiming that it has nearly a 97% customer satisfaction rate is now available world wide. The program is called:\" Fat Loss 4 Idiots\" and it is easily downloaded from the Internet. This \"Idiot proof diet\" is designed to hunt down and burn fat tissue for energy, including the hard to lose fat tissue that a lot of people have since childhood.
The program developers claim that most people are overweight because their body is not burning fat tissue for energy each day. They are overweight because their body is burning the wrong types of calories for energy while leaving all of their fat tissue on their body.
According to the program you do not get fat because of a lack of exercise, that is a myth. You get fat because you do not eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. The pattern that you choose to eat your meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills. This is true because your body is like an engine and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if you don\'t eat the right foods at the right times then it won\'t burn those calories, and you\'ll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue.
You have gotten overweight by eating the wrong foods, that much is a fact. Fat Loss for Idiots claims that you can get slim by eating the right foods at the right intervals each. They even claim you have to eat more than 3 times a day.
It is possible to download their 11-Day Diet Menu instantly, and along with the diet menu you\'ll also get to download the full Idiot Proof Diet handbook which covers every important dieting and fat burning topic that you\'ll ever need to know.
For more info visit the following website:
Henk Rekers
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Contact Details = Henk Rekers||Bosplaats 14||Amersfoort , 3817 LP||$$country||||06-42415648||||
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